Ditambahkan | Kamis, Januari 28, 2021 |
Kategori | Gps Geodetic |
Harga | Rp. 130.000.000,- Kami menjual GPS geodetik horison baru bergaransi siap pakai, kami juga menyediakan trainning GRATIS SELURUH INDONESIA. ... |
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Review GPS geodetik horison CRONUS C3 DI JAMBI
Kami menjual GPS geodetik horison baru bergaransi siap pakai, kami juga menyediakan trainning GRATIS SELURUH INDONESIA.
Compact, streamlined case design, fits in the palm with ease.
One of the lightest receivers in the market today, weighing at only 890g.
Utilitises the BD930 main board for high precision and accuracy, as well as new
generation processing speed and capability.
Versatile user defined frequency, selectable within 410-470MHz
Wi-Fi Module with AP function. Up to 100 meter working range.
16 GB internal memory for data logging.
Powerful Bluetooth integration, expandable to multiple modules.
PC and mobile version web interfaces enable access to Kronos C3 via Wi-Fi.
Web interface to record static raw data via Wi-Fi hotspot.
IK08, resistant to 3 meter drops on concrete ground surfaces.
Convenient update or patching via USB and Wi-Fi.
Cloud Service: Intelligent upgrades, diagnoses and data sharing.
E-Bubble Function.
Melayani : Penjualan dan Service Kalibrasi
Kami Seperti : Total Station, Digital Theodolite, Automatic Level, Prisma
Polygon, Prisma Single, Pole Stick Prisma, Rambu Ukur, Alumunium Tripod, GPS,
Kompas, Palu Geology, Pita Survey, Meteran, USB Cable, Battery & Charger,
Mini Prisma, dll.
Service Kalibrasi :
Melayani Kalibrasi Total Station, Digital Theodolite, Automatic Level Dengan
Kualitas Dan Kalibrasi Terbaik Serta Ditangani Langsung Oleh Ahlinya Dan Di
Berikan Sertifikat Kalibarsi. Mutu Dan Kualitas Terjamin Plus Biaya Terjangkau
Kami adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang penjualan sewa service
kalibrasi alat ukur survey dan pemetaan yang beralamatkan di :
Nama : Yusup Geometri
HP /WA : 0821 3300 3360
Alamat : Jl. Kopral Ramli Perumahaan
Safira Resident blok D10, Pasir Putih, Kec. Jambi Sel.JAMBI
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